COSC 2432 – Web Programming Assignment – Semester 2 July 2011

The COSC 2432 assignment involves the design and implementation of a website for an Online Fashion Store. The business may be your own or that of a friend, an actual small business or an imaginary one.
The assignment for this subject is 40% of the total marks available and is a hurdle (meaning you have to achieve at least 20% out of 40% for this component).

Design a set of linked web pages for a fictitious online Fashion Store. The site should consist of no fewer than 15 web pages with full multi-directional navigation between pages. The site should search function that able to search for the item by typing the generic shirts, pants, accessories, price range, etc. Depending on the search keywords, the site should provide a possible list of products, and then when to each product on the list is clicked, the site should have more details about the selected product (e.g brand, price, size, quantity available, discount available, etc).
Guidelines for Online Fashion Store:

  • Full name of company, location of main office, telephone/fax numbers, e-mail address, Company mission statement and a brief welcome to potential users. Your company should be run by a board of directors, in which case the names/pictures of each should be in your site.
  • Should provide no less than three categories of products.
  • Current running promotion.

Important Information:
You are required to create an Online Fashion Store allowing registered customers to search and order products from the online bookstore. Non-registered users can use the search form, but they are not allowed to make an order until they have registered as a customer.
Returning customers should be given the option to login using existing username and password if they are already registered. If the attempt to login is successful an appropriate welcome message should be displayed. New users should be given the option to register.

A. Registration
Customer registration allows the system to verify all customer details are valid and ensures that all customers have a unique and valid Customer ID. It also allows the system to verify and keep track of all personal details of the customer details.
This page should prompt users to fill a form with fields for
(a) Customer’s name (full name)
(b) I/C number
(c) Gender
(d) Personal status (Married, Engaged, Single)
(e) Work status (Government Sector, Private Sector, Self-Employed, Unemployed, Student)
(f) Home Address
(g) Address for delivery (may be the same as the Home Address)
(h) Phone number
(i) Email address
(j) Username
(k) Password

Email Address
Assume that email addresses must end with either .my, .com, or .net and must not have two adjacent non-alphanumeric characters such as .. or –. It must contain the character @ exactly once and it must have at least two other characters after @.
Both username and password must consist of at least 6 alphanumeric characters, and password cannot have two or more adjacent characters the same (12yuu678 is not allowed because of uu). The user should be told of the correct format for the password.
If any of the fields are empty, an appropriate error message should be displayed indicating the problem. If the username already exists, an appropriate error message must be printed.
The input information for searches, customers, feedback and orders should be written to file searches.txt, customers.txt, feedback.txt and purchaseorders.txt respectively with the format specified below. Your program should verify that no other customer has the same phone-number (to avoid registering the same person twice) and that no two customers have the same I/C number.
Error Message / Acknowledgement
If any of the fields are empty, an appropriate error message should be displayed indicating which fields are left out. If the username already exists, an appropriate error message must be printed. If all form input are valid an acknowledgement page listing all the fields must be printed.
Phone Number
The phone number should be in one of the following formats.
(601d)-ddddddd (mobile)
(601d)-ddd-dddd (mobile)

Both username and password must consist of at least 6 alphanumeric characters. If any of the fields are empty, an appropriate error message should be displayed indicating the problem. If the username already exists, an appropriate error message must be printed.

Download Solutions :

username : admin
password : admin



  1. lee says:

    hey.. can you reply me asap

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